Tuesday, June 25, 2019

d365FO | change the incremental number of Sales order

Actually, this is NOT a problem, just a prefer way.

I found sometimes Sales order is increased by a number (25 or random number). It is the effect of Preallocation in Number Sequence which MS recommends to achieve better performance. However, in my case it's in Dev system and here is the way to change it to the simply 1 incremental.

So, before change you find it like this.

How to change

  1. Go to Account receivable -> Setup -> Accounts receivable parameters
  2. Choose "Number sequences" tab 
  3. Find "Sales order" Reference. As the below figure, you will find the way to click through "Sale_61" Number sequence code.


       4. Here, you can change the number to 1.

      5. Save and try to create a new Sales order. Now, you would see it increased by 1 instead.

Until the next post!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

d365FO | moving all customizations to new OneBox

From http://shootax.blogspot.com/2018/08/d365fo-idea-to-connect-d365fo-projects.html

Until now, MS releases the big change on the application version on April and October. The problem for developer and technical guys is you can upgrade the platform version, but application version. Only download new OneBox from LCS is the way. So if you need to move all Dev stuffs to the new OneBox. The following overview procedures might be useful.

At the source environment
  • Export Models (.axmodel files), Projects (.axpp files), .NET Projects and other metadata.
At the destination environment
  • Import Models
  • Create folders for the local VS solutions and projects files.
  • Create d365FO solution and projects by searching from AOT or importing Projects.
  • Add .NET Projects and other references, if have.
  • Check you get all of d365FO object in VS solution explorer (compare to the source).
  • Build and sync DB the customizations.
  • Full build and sync DB.
  • -------------- Skip the below, if you didn't control the source code version by Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS). --------------
  • Create a new Azure DevOps project (if you don't have the site, create it too). See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/unified-operations/dev-itpro/dev-tools/version-control-metadata-navigation
  • Connect the local VS to the new Azure DevOps project.
  • Add solution to source control, check-in all stuffs and then check the files are uploaded to the Azure DevOps project workspace.
  • That's all!

Thanks for reading!